Freetown businessman Champion Coker was remanded in custody on March 12, 2024, after appearing before Magistrate Santigie Bangura at Pademba Road Court No. 2. Coker faces charges of contempt of court and abusive behaviour towards Lawyer Juan Bull Esq.
Coker appeared before Magistrate Santigie Bangura together with his four children to the dock who claimed that they had no place to stay after the court sold his property. Due to that, they decided to accompany their father during the court seatings.
According to reports, the charges against him ranges from trespass, conspiracy, and malicious damage, with an additional allegation of using abusive language ‘fuck off,’ directed at State Counsel Juan Bull Esq which was seen as disorderly behavior.
Magistrate Bangura upon hearing the accusation from Lawyer Bull, ordered that Coker be kept in custody for the time being.
Reports revealed that, on November 17, 2023, at No.11 Main Peninsula Road, Sussex, Freetown. He is accused of unlawfully entering the dwelling house of Yusuf Kamara, despite being warned not to do so.
He is also alleged to have maliciously damaged one of the locks of the doors at No.11 Main Peninsula Road, Sussex, Freetown, valued at six hundred Leones, property of Yusuf Kamara.
Further accusations include the theft of two tons of iron rods valued at thirty-one thousand Leones, two hundred bags of cement valued at thirty thousand Leones, twenty-five lengths of rods, and other items valued at sixty-six thousand nine hundred and ninety Leones, all belonging to Yusuf Kamara.
The prosecution is yet to present witnesses to testify against Coker, leading to the adjournment of the case to March 19, 2024, for further hearings.
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