In a shocking turn of events, Magistrate Hadiru Daboh of the Kabala Magistrate Court has detained Kankamusa Sesay, a 42-year-old herbalist, along with a 79-year-old storekeeper, Bai Kamara. The decision was made on Wednesday, June 26, 2024.
According to court documents, Bai Kamara hired Kankamusa Sesay to identify the thief who stole money from his shop. In a ritual gone wrong, a pot containing fire was placed on the victim’s stomach, causing severe burns. The victim, Kolleh Mansaray, suffered serious injuries as a result.
Both Bai Kamara and Kankamusa Sesay are facing four charges: Conspiracy Contrary to Law, Wounding with Intent Contrary to Section 18 of the Offences Against the Persons Act 1861, Wounding Contrary to Section 20 of the same Act and Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Contrary to Section 47 of the Offences Against the Persons Act 1861.
The specifics of the charges are as follows:
On Sunday, June 9, 2024, at Nfagie Street, Kabala, both accused conspired with others to commit a felony, namely wounding with intent.
On the same date and place, Kankamusa Sesay maliciously wounded Kolleh Mansaray with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.
Additionally, on the same date and place, Kankamusa Sesay unlawfully wounded Kolleh Mansaray.
Bai Kamara is also charged with assaulting Kolleh Mansaray, causing actual bodily harm.
When the charges were read,neither accused entered a plea and both were unrepresented in court. Magistrate Daboh denied bail and ordered that Bai Kamara and Kankamusa Sesay be remanded in custody until their next court appearance on July 7, 2024.
aaaaaaah Kotor why ? Hahahahahah….Sierra Leone nar country ! Victim accused don turn complinant against former complinant ? So interesting
We lek we salone 😂😂😂