The trend at which some parts of Freetown are being turn into illegal street garages is become an alarming issue that needs urgent response and actions to be taken. 

Following up to a snippet video that surfaced Facebook, an incident was alleged to have taken place at Kinghama Road Freetown. According to  SuperAGAL, the whole street has been turn into an illegal street garage which has been obstructing incoming and outgoing traffic in the area.

According to the owner of AGAL restaurant popularly known as Super AGAL, Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority (SLRSA) is well aware of rampant street garages in Freetown which are obstructing incoming and outgoing traffic.

This illegal street garages have caused no free will of movement for both vehicles and pedestrians around the locality. The owner of the garage name Ali Barrie’s employee Foday, was alleged to have bragged that he was working for the State House and he cannot be moved easily from thay garage.

Digging dip to this alarming issue that might even cause Road accidents if a swift action is not taken now, it was alleged that SuperAGAL, the owner of AGAL restaurant at the front of China house has consistently raised concerns the way and manner Mr. Ali Barrie is operating in front of her restaurant as street garage but yet little or nothing has been done.

This, if I am permitted to say, due to negligence from the responsible authorities, has narrowed the road from two lanes to a single lane. The remaining lane was occupied by the so called street garage on both sides of the road.

SuperAGAL on her video drew the attention of Sierra Leone Safety Authority (SLRSA) and James Bio to step in now before someone might lose his/her life to it.

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