QIn the village of Yikandor, Kpanga Chiefdom, Pujehun District, 79-year-old Brima Sondai is defying the odds by delving into stone mining to secure a living for himself and his family. Despite his determination, Sondai faces numerous challenges, notably the dangers associated with breaking iron stones.

Speaking from his quarry site, Sondai expressed frustration over the lack of proper working tools and appealed to the government for assistance. He emphasized the need for adequate equipment to ensure both effectiveness and safety in his laborious pursuit.

Adding another layer to the story, Sondai’s daughter-in-law, Mariama, shed light on the hardships faced by women participating in such physically demanding activities. The scarcity of women in stone mining underscores the daunting and frustrating nature of fetching stones for this purpose.

Sondai’s struggle brings attention to the broader issue of marginalized communities where limited economic opportunities force elderly citizens into physically demanding work. His appeal for support in acquiring working tools serves as a call to action for local authorities to address the needs of individuals facing similar circumstances.

This story highlights the urgent need for government intervention to support vulnerable members of society. Providing assistance to Sondai and others in his situation would not only alleviate their hardships but also demonstrate a commitment to ensuring the welfare and dignity of all citizens, regardless of age.

As this news reaches the public, it is hoped that awareness will be raised about the challenges faced by elderly individuals like Brima Sondai, prompting the government and relevant organizations to extend a helping hand. By doing so, they can make a tangible difference in the lives of those who have dedicated their years to hard work and now find themselves struggling against the odds in their twilight years.