Justice Sulaiman Bah yesterday acquitted and discharged N’tuma Mansaray née Bangura of the charge of murder proffered against her by the State.

The decision of the Judge came after eight out of the majority of ten Jurors found the accused N’tuma Mansaray not guilty.

N’tuma Mansaray is the mother of a one-year and three months old girl and a State Registered Nurse (SRN) who was on the 30th March 2020 accused of killing her legally wedded husband Mahmoud Mansaray, a Soldier and a State Community Nurse attached to the 34 Military Hospital at Wilberforce in Freetown.

The accused was on a committal warrant from the Magistrate Court and arraigned at the High Court for trial on the 1st February 2023 on one count charge of murder of which she pleaded not guilty.

During the trial at the High Court sitting at the main Law Court Building, Senior State Counsel Umu Sumaray led a total of ten witnesses, three factual, six police officers, and the Government Consultant Pathologist Dr. Simeon Owizz Koroma.

The deceased, Mahmoud Mansaray is 5ft 8 inch tall and according to Dr. Koroma’s postmortem examination carried out on the 3rd April 2020, he (Mansaray) died of a 4-centimeter stab wound received on the chest.

The 29-year-old then accused N’tuma Mansaray who formally attached to the Lumley Government Hospital was arrested on the same date of the incident at their Magazine Section Military Quarters at Murray Town on the 8th March 2020 and taken to the Congo Cross Police Station for investigation.

She was on remand until yesterday when she was released on a not guilty verdict delivered by the Judges of fact (Jurors).

Lawyer Ishmael P. Mammie and Charles I. Williams represented the accused.