“Done Am,” the latest single from Boss La showcases his signature style and powerful messaging. As the CEO of Red Flag Movement (RFM) and a dedicated Sierra Leone Peace Ambassador, Boss La uses his platform to inspire and influence.

The title “Done Am” deriving from the Kerio language, meaning “finish it,” and the song is an anthem about perseverance and determination.

In “Done Am,” Boss La underscores the importance of completing what one starts, reflecting his own resolve to finish the game he has begun, despite facing numerous unfounded allegations. The song addresses rumors of him being a “bad boy” or carrying a pistol, which he firmly denies. This track is both a personal declaration and a broader societal message, urging listeners to persist through adversity and challenges.

Boss La also extends his message to the political sphere, calling for support of President Bio to complete his presidential term peacefully. He stresses the necessity of allowing the president to fulfill his duties and the importance of maintaining peace and stability in Sierra Leone. Through his music, Boss La conveys his readiness to “Done am” – to see through his commitments and encourage others to do the same.

“Done Am” is more than just a song; it’s a movement for perseverance, truth, and peace. Boss La’s impactful lyrics and vibrant Afrobeat rhythms resonate deeply, solidifying his role as a crucial voice in Sierra Leonean music and society.

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