Presidential Spokesman Alhaji Dr. Alpha Kanu shed light on President Julius Maada Bio’s proactive measures for electoral reform in Sierra Leone. Dr. Kanu emphasized that President Bio initiated the Electoral Reform Committee during the opening session of the 6th Parliament of the Second Republic, underscoring the administration’s commitment to addressing electoral issues that have arisen from past general elections.

Dr. Kanu presented the recommendations made by the Electoral Reform Committee, which are aimed at improving the electoral process and ensuring free, fair, and transparent elections in the future. These reforms are seen as crucial steps towards strengthening the country’s democratic framework and enhancing public confidence in the electoral system.

Highlighting the significance of these reforms, Dr. Kanu assured citizens that the government is dedicated to implementing the necessary changes well ahead of the next general election, scheduled for 2028. He stressed that these reforms are part of President Bio’s broader agenda to promote good governance and political stability in Sierra Leone.

2023 is done and dusted,” Dr. Kanu stated, reaffirming that the focus is now on the future and ensuring that the upcoming elections are conducted smoothly and fairly. He called on all stakeholders, including political parties, civil society organizations, and the general public, to support the reform process and contribute to the strengthening of the nation’s democracy.

Dr. Kanu’s address reflects the government’s ongoing efforts to address electoral challenges and build a more robust and credible electoral system in Sierra Leone. As the country looks ahead to 2028, these reforms are expected to play a pivotal role in shaping the political landscape and fostering a more inclusive and democratic society.