As the drama continues to unfold in the housemate Season 3, George Taylor Feels Insecure as Eddie 441 took over his role as chef of the house. He feels insecure as Eddie made a special meal for himself
The housemates were having a dinner when a serious row broke out between George Taylor and Eddie.
George accused Eddie of being selfish as he prepares fish meant for future cooking.
He further accused Eddie of being Jealous of him because Eddie thought that his position as chef is to appeal to viewers for vote.
As George was in a rage as a result of Eddie’s action. Paul and Juju Jeks were cling on each other enjoying their food while
Nohmi George and Julie were fixed inside the house having romantic discussions.
The atmosphere in the house was lively: a clear manifestation that they were enjoying their food.
As George Accuses Eddie of being selfish for utilizing the fish meant for tomorrow, however, Muna and Yeanie disagrees with him over his grievance.
Muna believes that just because George is the chef of the house doesn’t mean he owns the Kitchen. She describes the fish as meant for cooking and not for cooking tomorrow.
She appreciated the good job of Eddie and also described him as a cool guy.
Yeanie supported Muna that even if George happens to be her father, she would not be scared to tell him the truth. She reacted George Taylor shouldn’t tell her to get out and will refuse to support him when he is wrong.