Sierra Leone Vice President, Juldeh Jalloh, Chief Minister David Moinina Sengeh and other government officials were in Gerihun, Bo District to celebrate the life of the late mother of Minister of Health and Sanitation, Austin Demby.

The 93-year-old matriarch’s passing was marked by a vibrant celebration that blended mourning with joy, highlighting the unique cultural traditions of Sierra Leone.

Chief Minister Sengeh, known for his deep appreciation of Sierra Leonean customs, was seen dancing and sharing heartfelt moments with attendees. Reflecting on the event, he emphasized the beauty of their culture in a public statement, saying, “There’s something absolutely beautiful about our culture. Today, several government officials and friends showed up to celebrate the life and death of the 93-year-old mother of a colleague, Minister of Health Demby Austin. We mourned, danced, and celebrated together.

The event was attended by numerous high-profile figures from the government and various sectors of society, demonstrating the close-knit bonds within the Sierra Leonean community. The celebration was not only a tribute to the long and fulfilling life of Minister Demby’s mother but also a reaffirmation of the nation’s values of solidarity and communal support during times of loss.

The ceremony featured traditional music, dances, and tributes, creating an atmosphere that balanced sorrow with celebration. This duality is a hallmark of Sierra Leonean funerary practices, where the life of the deceased is honored through expressions of joy and remembrance.