On July 2, 2024, during the government’s weekly press conference at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hon. Kandeh Yumkella, Chairman of the Presidential Initiative for Climate Change, Renewable Energy, and Food Security, highlighted significant inefficiencies within the Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA).

Addressing the pressing electricity crisis in the country, Hon. Yumkella underscored that EDSA’s current operational system is incapable of resolving the ongoing issues. He revealed that EDSA’s inefficiency has resulted in the company incurring a 62% loss in its operations, making it challenging to compensate service providers adequately.

Hon. Yumkella pointed out that EDSA only manages to collect four cents for every ten cents of electricity sold, with no transparency regarding the remaining six cents. He emphasized that such blatant corruption and inefficiency, if not promptly addressed, will severely hinder trade and investment in the country.

“If we don’t fix EDSA, we are dead. The whole economy would die, including small businesses that depend on energy to survive. We will lose half a million dollars in the next few years,” warned Hon. Yumkella, stressing the critical nature of the issue.

Comparing regional performance, Hon. Yumkella noted that while the Liberia Electricity Company can pay $10 million to the CLSG company in Ivory Coast, EDSA struggles to meet even a $100,000 payment. This stark contrast further highlights the mismanagement within EDSA.

He also criticized the unfair practice of pressuring the Ministry of Finance to pay electricity service providers when customers have already made payments through EDSA, underscoring the need for systemic reforms within the authority.