The National Public Procurement Authority issued public notice circular 09-2021 in relation to business that were named in the White Papers of the Commissions of Inquiry which in effect put a temporary suspension on all such business from doing business with Government pending the final outcome of their various petitions or as otherwise determined by the Office of the Attorney General.

As stated in the utilizate paragraph of the above referred to circular, the temporary suspension would be lifted for any named company based on them being exonerated or exculpated through the Office of the Attorney- General.

In this regard, we now inform the general public and public sector procuring entities in particular that having received such submissions from the Attorney- General, the following firms and individuals are permitted to do business or to resume their previous on-going businesses with Government:

(1) Al-Umar Ventures
(2) Bullom Construction and General Services.
(3) BDO and Mr. Samuel A. Noldred
(4) Guoiji Construction and Investment Company (SL) Ltd.

Any subsequent clearance for any other business will be duly communicated to the public in this same format.