A video featuring Kadiru Kaikai, a prominent member of the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP), has caused a significant stir on social media.

In the video, Kadiru threatens to incite violence if he is not selected to lead the SLPP in the 2028 elections, declaring that the resulting conflict would be bloodier than previous ones.

“If I am not given the flag bearer position, I will wage war in this country, and it will be worse than the last one,” Kadiru stated in the local Krio language.

His provocative remarks come amid increasing competition to succeed President Bio. The video has sparked widespread condemnation, with many calling for Kadiru to issue a public apology. Additionally, there are growing demands for authorities to hold him accountable for his incendiary comments.

The incident highlights the tensions within the SLPP as the party gears up for future leadership contests, and raises concerns about the potential for political instability in Sierra Leone.

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