As Parliament receives Statutory Instrument No. 8 of 2024, regarding the conduct of a nationwide Population and Housing Census, the All Peoples Congress Party’s National Publicity Secretary Sidi Yaya Tunis has pledged the Party’s participation in the process.

“This is a constitutional provision, which clearly states that censuses should happen every ten year and so the APC will fully participate in the census. We will promote it, mobilize our membership, supporters and the public to participate,” he said.

President Julius Maada Bio on Monday this week officially declared December 2025 for the commencement of the national Population and housing census.

“In line with the decennial Census calendar, I am pleased to announce that my government will conduct a nationwide Population and Housing Census (PHC) in 2025,” he said during a nationwide address. He recalled that one of the key reasons for his declaration and conduct of the 2021 Mid-Term Population and Housing Census was to prepare for the decennial Census.

“The data from this decennial Census in 2025 will guide the implementation of various development programmes, primarily the 2024-2030 Medium Term National Development Plan and our efforts to achieve the global Sustainable Development Goals.

This Census will provide reliable baseline data to assess the impact of critical development interventions on both these guiding instruments with a contemporary deadline of 2030.” The president added that the statistical insights derived from the Census will track progress and identify challenges crucial to the national development agenda.

He therefore assured that his government will commit considerable financial and logistical resources to support the Census, noting collaboration with development partners such as the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), the United States Census Bureau through USAID It could be recalled that ahead of the 2021 Mid-Term Population Census, Opposition party leaders openly distanced themselves from the headcount which they alleged – was being used by the ruling party to score political gains, a claim that the government denied at the time, restating its argument that it was for development purposes.

However, results of the 2021 Mid-Term Population Census released on the 30th of May 2022 by Statistics Sierra Leone indicated that the Eastern Region is the most populated of all the regions in the country.

Stats SL officials making the report of the result public at a special ceremony that attracted stakeholders and the media at their Freetown office, said the eastern region has a total population of one million, nine hundred and thirty-nine thousand, one hundred and twenty-two (1,939,122), that accounted for nine hundred and fifty-three thousand, six hundred and one (953,601) males and nine hundred and eighty-five thousand, five hundred and twenty-one (985,521) females.

The eastern region comprises the three districts of Kailahun, Kenema, and Kono. The census report states that Kailahun District had a total population of five hundred and forty- five thousand, nine hundred and forty-seven (545,947), with two hundred and sixty-seven thousand, five hundred and eighty-six males (267,586) and two hundred and seventy-eight thousand, three hundred sixty-one (278,361) females.

Kenema District, according to the report, accounted for a total population of seven hundred and seventy-two thousand, four hundred and seventy-two (772,472) with three hundred and seventy- four thousand, one hundred and – eighty-three (374,183) males and s three hundred and ninety-eight thousand, two hundred and eighty nine (398,289) females.

Kono District was said to have a total population of six hundred and twenty thousand, seven hundred and three (620,703), with three hundred and eleven thousand, eight hundred and thirty-two (311,832) males and three hundred and eight thousand, eight hundred and seventy one (308871) females. Western Area has a population of one million, two hundred and sixty-eight thousand, seven hundred and fifty-seven (1, 268,757), whilst the North/eastern region has one million, three hundred and eighteen thousand, eight hundred and thirty-one (1,318,831).

For the North/western region it was one million, one – hundred and eighty-six thousand, and fifty (1,186,050), whilst for the Southern region the population captured was one million, eight hundred and thirty thousand, and eight hundred and eighty one (1,830,881).

The 2015 Census which preceded the latest headcount. Indicated a population of one million, six hundred and forty-one thousand, and twelve (1,641,012) for the region. The population size according to the latest census result increased by two hundred and ninety-eight thousand, one hundred and ten (298,110).

The total National result of the population based on the Mid-Term Population and Housing Census is estimated at Seven Million, ‘five hundred and forty-one thousand, six hundred and forty-one (7,541,641).